Are Ammonia and Mothballs Effective in Repelling Snakes?

Arlington snake

It would be best if you don’t believe anything that you saw or read over the internet. The use of mothballs and ammonia against snake invasion is like an old urban tale that never happened. Furthermore, several hazards come with it. Aside from wasting your money on a method that will not deliver a solution, it will most likely lead to another problem. A wildlife removal company that will recommend this method against snakes will usually be an amateur or a fraud.

Why Are Mothballs Ineffective Against Snake Infestation?
Mothball is a small pungent pellet that our grandparents placed inside our cabinet to keep our clothes safe from the damages of moths and roaches. Naphthalene is the core ingredient of this product that allegedly irritates the sense of smell of this animal. However, several studies have already proven the ineffectiveness of naphthalene against snake invasion. When scattering this all over the yard, your pets or kids may mistake it for candy or marshmallow and accidentally ingest it. It also releases toxic fumes that can cause drowsiness and headaches.

What Are the Negative Effects of Mothballs?
There are two types of mothballs sold in the market. They may look identical, so it is hard to distinguish them from one another. One is made from naphthalene, and the other has paradichlorobenzene. When these compounds have been exposed to the air, they will transform into a gaseous state and release a strong, pungent smell. These are toxic fumes that can lead to dizziness, lung and skin irritation, and headache. If anyone in your family accidentally swallows it or has been breathing the fumes for a while, be sure to seek immediate medical help.

Why Are Ammonia Ineffective Against Snake Infestation?
Summer, wherein the rate of snake invasion is more pronounced, will show a sudden increase in ammonia sales. Just like mothballs, people hope that the strong scent of ammonia can deter the snake from visiting our house. There are no existing studies that will prove the efficacy of ammonia against wildlife infestation. Moreover, even if there is a chance that it will work, using this can be inconvenient. You will have to spray this outdoor, and the scent will immediately dissipate.

What Are the Negative Effects of Ammonia?
Breathing and swallowing ammonia will most likely lead to poisoning, which can be dangerous to your pets and kids. Therefore, we highly discourage the use of this liquid. Many people have already tried using this to repel different creatures, but it did not give them the result they wanted. Exposure to ammonia may cause eye and skin irritation. It will result in a burning sensation in your throat, nose, and lungs. It may also cause irreparable damage to your lungs.

Snakes are commonly harmless and will provide an essential service to our environment. However, some people will find their presence worrying and alarming and will keep them off from their property at all costs. If you are looking for the right removal method, we recommend using safe and humane strategies with the help of wildlife removal experts. Go back to the home page: Snakes of Arlington